What is the best title for the text

Adalah Kunci Jawaban Soal Ujian Tentang What is the best title for the text

This exercise seems to be incomplete as there is no text available or even the complete option or clues mentioned yet. So, it is rather unlikely to answer such query.


Such question usually pops up in the reading comprehension exercise, in which there are stuff go along with the question there, from the text itself, without the title, options in the exercise and the complete exercise itself.

There are a number of stuff to consider before deciding the most suitable title for the text. They are as follows:

  • the kind of text (the fiction one is best to use interesting title with rather unclear one to reveal by reading it, while non fiction one is used more clear one related to the main topic of the text)
  • the focus within the text.
  • the most interesting part of the text, either one of the characters in the story or the main part of the issue discussed in a non-fiction one.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang a title of text

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Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English




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