Which one creates jellyfish’s light

Adalah Kunci Jawaban Soal Pelajaran Tentang Which one creates jellyfish’s light

1.Which one creates Jellyfish’s light? *

a.nervous systems
b.fresh water
c.Chemical reaction
d.Stomachs and mouths
2.Based on the text, we know that…. *
a.They don’t have brain, only stomachs and mouths
b.They are kind of salt water fish
c.They glow when they want to eat predator
d.They mostly live in the lake
3.What is the communicative purpose of this text ? *
a.To persuade the reader to conserve jellyfish
b.To describe about Jellyfish in general
c.To show how Jellyfish glow in darkness
d.To inform the reader about Jellyfish

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