I always to the dentist

Adalah Jawaban Soal Ujian Tentang I always to the dentist

I ____ always ____ to the dentist to treat my teeth

Select one:
a. do not, going
b. do not, go
c. does not, went
d. does not, go
e. do not, went
Mr. Faldy : Thanks very much for your suggestions,sir. I have to go now. I hope I will see you again.
Mr. Johan : Right. I hope so….
Which of the following expressions is not correct
Select one:
a. Good bye
b. See you later
c. It doesn’t matter
d. See you some time
e. Bye, bye
When I was young. I used to _____ on this street every morning.
Select one:
a. jog
b. jogging
c. joggs
d. jogged
e. did jogged

Begitulah Jawaban Soal Ujian Tentang I always to the dentist Semoga Membantu.

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