What does the notice mean

Inilah Kunci Jawaban Soal Ujian Tentang What does the notice mean

Notice is a written or printed announcement or a formal notification or warning. So, the notice means to warn something or to give an announcement.

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, arti dari “what does the notice mean” adalah apa maksud dari pemberitahuan tersebut.


Contoh soal yang berhubungan dengan notice pada UN Bahasa Inggris 2019 yaitu



1. What does the notice mean?

A. To warn men to smoke in the area.

B. To make the area free from children.

C. To keep the area free from kids.

D. To keep the area healthy for children.

2. What would probably happen if people obey the notice?

A. The tobacco will be in free zone.

B. The kids are in other zone.

C. The air will be cleaner and healthier.

D. The kids will be in a free zone.

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Mapel: Bahasa Indonesia

Bab: Notice

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