Contoh kalimat simple past tense positif negatif dan tanya

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Simple past tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan di waktu lampau.

Simple past tense terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu:

  • nominal past tense (kalimat yang tidak membutuhkan kata kerja)


subject + was/were + noun

subject + was/were + not + noun

was/were + subject + noun?

  • verbal past tense (kalimat yang membutuhkan kata kerja)


subject + v2

subject + did not + v1

did + subject + v1?

Ciri simple past tense adalah adanya keterangan waktu lampau, seperti yesterday, ago, last.


Contoh kalimat nominal past tense

(+) i was fifteen years old last year.

(-) I was not fifteen years old last year.

(?) was I fifteen years old last year?

yes, I was. / No, I was not.

(+) They were here two hours ago.

(-) They were not here two hours ago.

(?) Were they here two hours ago?

Yes, they were. / No, they were not.

Contoh kalimat verbal past tense

(+) We watched a football match yesterday.

(-) We didn’t watch a football match yesterday.

(?) Did we watch a footbal match yesterday?

Yes, we did. / No, we did not.

(+) She drank a glass of milk this morning.

(-) She didn’t drink a glass of milk this morning.

(?) Did she drink a glass of milk this morning?

Yes, she did. / No, she did not.

(+) My mother wrote a letter for her sister last week.

(-) My mother didn’t write a letter for her sister last week.

Baca Juga  Apa yang dimaksud dengan negara maritim

(?) Did my mother write a letter for her sister last week?

Yes, she did. / No, she did not.

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Detil Jawaban  

Kelas: VIII

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: When I was a child (Chapter 10)

Kode: 8.5.10

Kata kunci: Past tense, contoh kalimat simple past tense positif negatif dan interogatif, contoh kalimat simple past tense verbal

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